My studio
- Focusrite Scarlett 18i8 USB Audio Interface
- Dave Smith Prophet REV2
- Clavia Nordlead 3 (keyboard-version, very cool synthesizer)
- Waldorf Pulse (analog bass&lead synth)
- Yamaha Motif XS6 (workstation)
- Yamaha MoXF6
- Clavia Nord Modular G2x
- Novation Circuit
- Steinberg Cubase 9 (DAW studiosoftware)
- Ableton Live 10 Suite with Launchpad MK2 and Push2 Controller
- Many software synthesizer (Omnisphere, U-He Repro+Diva etc)
- Yamaha amplifier
- Tannoy Reveal (Passive monitor speakers)
- AKG K55 headphones (very cheap and a real pain)
- Koss Porta Pro headphones (really great sound)